Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

513. Big Money Tip 3


On this episode, Nellie emphasizes the importance of giving generously to attract wealth, suggesting that individuals who are uncomfortable receiving small gestures may also struggle with receiving larger amounts of money. She advocates for giving in various forms, including donating time, services, and money, and highlight the psychological benefits of becoming accustomed to giving. Nellie shares personal anecdotes of receiving generous support and how it has contributed to their success. She encourages a balanced approach to giving and receiving, aiming to create a positive energy cycle that fosters abundance. 

We will touch on:

  • Giving to Receive: The Psychology of Wealth
  • Examples of Giving in Various Contexts
  • The Boomerang Effect and Law of Reciprocity
  • Balancing Giving and Receiving
  • Praying and Aligning with Giving
  • The Role of Money in Creating Wealth
  • Sponsorship and Final Encouragement

Let's Take Some Action:

  • Brainstorm ideas for ways to give more than you ever have given before.
  • Implement a giving strategy, starting small if necessary, and allow it to become your new normal.

This episode is sponsored by Kristen Rourke with Busy Mom Bod. Check her out on social media and her amazing programs!!
Busy Mom Bod: https://stan.store/busymombod


I'm beyond excited to reveal to you. Doesn't that sound so mysterious? Reveal to you in our big money series, what is the third big money tip? Because they are so important. So we've talked about big energy, we've talked about big high income skills that you already have in leveraging them and in third place is really giving bigger than you ever have given before. Now, why is this before receiving? Because most women don't feel comfortable receiving even a compliment. So if you don't feel comfortable receiving a compliment, or sometimes we don't even feel comfortable receiving like a little gift, right? Like, oh my gosh, no, you shouldn't have can you imagine $10,000 dropping into your lap? It may sound like, logically, you may be like, Oh no, no, no, Nelly, like, I'm not comfortable with a compliment. I'm not comfortable with a little gift. But don't worry, I would, I would be able to handle $10,000 dropping in my lap. So interesting enough. Psychology doesn't agree. Like, the science does not agree. If you are not regulated around a compliment, if you are not regulated around somebody buying your coffee, giving you a small gift, or paying you in full for your services, or whatever it may be, if you are not regulated around a certain dollar figure, you will keep blocking yourself subconsciously from it. So my best tip, please, I don't want to say I'm begging you, because I don't love that energy, but for the for, for the sake of your wealthiest self, I'm speaking to your wealthiest self right now, go give more than you've ever given before. There are lots of ways to give, the more the merrier, because it's all going to add into the giving melting pot, and it's going to work so beautifully and so fast. Okay, so I'll just give you some quick examples. They don't have to relate to your business, but I do want some to relate to your business. Okay? So you can go give and pay for the person behind you at Starbucks, right? You can go donate your time at the animal hospital, hospital or the homeless shelter. You can give a compliment to somebody, whether that be in person or on line, okay, you can give your time with your your services. So if you build websites, you could go donate your website capabilities to a non profit organization or maybe a new entrepreneur. Or if you're a photographer, you could go do some mini sessions or one big photo shoot right. If you're a coach, you could offer coaching calls. If you're a painter, you could go paint right? Like no matter what it is, I do want you to give some of your actual gifts, like your high income skills, away. And the key with this is you're not you're not worried about what happens with that person. That person may tip you, that person may want more of your services, and also they may not, or they may not be able to, and that's okay. We're doing it for the energy. We're doing it to add so much energy into the giving bucket that it's in overflow, and then that overflow goes into your receiving bucket, and when you are just in massive giving mode, you regulate yourself around larger amounts of money because you feel so good, you feel so comfortable, so really, my highest best recommendation, my best tip in this category is, if your goal is $10,000 months, I want you to go give $10,000 away. Now, you don't have to write a check, but could we go give some of your courses away? Could we give some coaching calls away? Like, just as an example, like, we would want it to essentially equate to$10,000 and you can do that very like, strategically, where you're literally, like, line iteming out, or you can just do it as, like a field check, where you're like, I feel like this was an energetic exchange of$10,000 and so the coolest part about this is it works so fast, it feels so good. And people have given to you right, like, there have been so many people on in my journey that have been ridiculously generous and did not accept or didn't even expect anything in return, they're like, I just see you, and I want to pay it forward, and I want you to receive and there's just I could literally spend. In this whole episode, telling you the blessings that people like it's It's remarkable, like it's the most unusual things, like cars, venues, clothes, gift cards, like love, support, introductions, like, I have been blessed with so many gifts over the years that have just continued to create abundance and wealth in my life in so many different ways. And I think that I'm a huge part of that too, right? Like, because those things just don't randomly happen, it's the energy that you are putting out into the world, right? It truly is the boomerang effect, like what you put out into this world is what comes back to you, also, law of reciprocity, okay? And so it's not necessarily, like I always feel called to explain this, so people don't get confused. If you do a coaching call for somebody, the law of reciprocity. Isn't that that, then that person immediately does something for you, with you. You can, of course, always invite them. I love to always use the phrase like, hey, I really think I could help you. You know, no strings attached. Like, if you want to ever talk about that, let me know. So I love keeping the door open, if it makes sense, I'm never going to not offer my continued support if I really do, genuinely feel like I could. But the whole goal is to always be in giving mode. And when you're in giving mode. Some of my biggest launches, I did not know what my numbers were at. I was just giving and giving and giving, and then, like, once we would, like, close out the launch, I was just like, Oh my gosh. I was just having so much fun, and I was giving and I was loving and supporting. And it works every fucking time. You are less in your head. You do not overthink. We all want to be that supporter, that cheerleader, that, you know, bright light in the world, and the world needs it. Needs it more than ever. The world needs it so much right now. And so I do, again, want you to have a blend of things that relate to your business, and then things like, there's so much that I do outside of my business, like, go give clothes away, pay for people at like, coffee shops, give compliments, just introduce people like I'm constantly doing as much as I can. 24/7, no strings attached, trusting myself, trusting the universe. You don't have to do anything that you're not comfortable to do, like, if you would literally be having a pan attack writing, like $1,000 check to a charity, then that would not be what I would recommend, because if you are having a panic attack doing it, you're going to dis regulate your nervous system, and that's the opposite of what I'm wanting you to do, but could you write$100 check? Could you write a$10 check? It's still going to have a similar effect, right? Like you do want to expand your comfort zone, but we don't have to go to the point where you wreck your nervous system in the process. I prefer a slow and steady expansion, and there's a lot of studies behind that actually works so much better for your nervous system, for your energy, for your mindset, for sustainability. And so this is a giving strategy. Feels so good, and you can't do it too much. And it always, it always happens in the right time with the right people. I love to think about an idea, just check into my body, make sure that it feels good, like I'm doing it from like a very like, aligned, abundant space, not lack. And then I love to pray and think about, okay, like, God, please reveal to me who I meant to, like, serve and support, and then I just allow Jesus take the wheel. Like, I literally this happened just recently, and she was like, I was literally just bawling my eyes out, praying that I needed, like, a miracle. And I'm like, well, here I am, and here you are, and you're, you're you're choosing to stay say yes, which means that, like, it's, it's you, it's not just me, it's me and you, like, we're Energy Partners. And that happens every time, every time, every single time. And guess what? It's always meant to be. It's always, always meant to be. So I want you to brainstorm some ideas, and I want you just to play, go give you. Can start small, if this is not normal for you, but I want this to be your new normal, and it'll help you expand and regular, regulate around bigger levels of money. There was a point where I. Was terrified to give or receive$100 and so this is why this is so important, because when you're regulated around fill in the blank money about giving it, you'll be so much more regulated around receiving it. And then the goal is that those just both of them keep climbing together, giving and receiving. Giving and receiving money is meant to be a flowing current. Yes, we want to save, and we want to invest, and you can do that even 10% and have so much extra to enjoy your life, to donate to charities, to give back to the world, to give to yourself, like all of the things like, money is a tool, money is a vehicle. Money is energy. And when you're utilizing it and maximizing it in big, beautiful ways, you will create more big levels of money. And this is a strategy that I want to get trending for 2025 and beyond, because it just, it's what I've done for almost 20 years, and it works so well. I've been the two industries I've had the most success in, which is non profit and the education space are two of the hardest industries I've had massive success, sustainable success in both and very uncertain times, through pandemic, babies, all the things like nothing can knock me down. And I believe that giving is such a huge piece of why I am still here, why I'm still here, and so I want you to add your flavor to this, but run with this. Let it feel good, let it keep working, and watch the magic happen. Shout out to Kristen Roark with busy mama for sponsoring this episode. She is such a giver. She's been such an amazing sponsor, and has helped our mission at The Wealthy Mama Movement. Really keep moving. She wants to keep you moving, and she's helped us keep moving. So check her out. She's all about healthy eating, healthy living, being your best, so that way you can love your babies and chase them and have tons and tons of energy. And so please check her out. She's amazing, and tell her that we sent you. Alright, go give and give some more, and then give some more, and then give some more. And tell me how it goes. You.