Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast
It's time to Wake Up & Be Wealthy!!
Join Nellie as she empowers mama entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams and create wealth effortlessly. Through engaging and fun episodes, Nellie shares strategies to make money online, build successful businesses, and enjoy a balanced life. Tune in for motivation, tips, and actionable insights to help you stack cash, stay inspired, and reach your financial goals from anywhere.
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Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast
476. Come On An Abundance Walk With Me
On this episode, Nellie discusses the concept of an "abundance walk," emphasizing the importance of focusing on positive experiences and blessings. She highlights the power of manifestation and the energy of abundance, sharing personal anecdotes from the past month. Key points include the significance of trusting oneself, the impact of daily routines like walking and setting sales quotas, and the importance of overcoming fears and resistance. Nellie also touches on the value of quality time, the joy of unexpected blessings, and the role of intuition in decision-making. She stresses that abundance is a state of mind and energy, not solely dependent on material possessions.
We will touch on:
- Abundance Walk Introduction
- Overcoming Fears and Embracing Abundance
- Practical Steps for an Abundance Walk
- Trust and Faith in Abundance
- Manifesting and Increasing Frequency
- Overcoming Resistance and Embracing Abundance
- The Role of Energy and Mindset in Abundance
- Balancing Accountability and Support
- Embracing Abundance and Letting Go of Fear
- Final Thoughts and Encouragement
Let's Take Some Action:
- Go on an "abundance walk" and identify one big desire to focus on for the next 30 days.
- Reflect on the past 30 days and note down the blessings and positive events that occurred.
- Work through any fears or resistance around fully embracing one's abundant self.
This episode is sponsored by Kristen Rourke with Busy Mom Bod. Check her out on social media and her amazing programs!!
Busy Mom Bod: https://stan.store/busymombod
Music, welcome to my abundance walk. You just make this up today. I couldn't think of a better way to end the abundance month than going for an abundance walk. So I want to model what this looks like. So then you can do it for yourself, because there's something really, really powerful about moving your body and thinking about all the blessings in your life, all the people in your life, and then narrowing down, like, if you want to go specifically to the last 30 days, and allowing all of that to fill your body up and just allow it to overflow, just enjoy like all the feelings, what we think expands, what we focus on expands. And so it can be very easy to focus on what's not working what does not feel good, and there's an absolute time and place to do that. However, I feel like a lot of times we ruminate, that's one of my favorite new words. We ruminate on all of that stuff, versus ruminating and overthinking all the good stuff, all the things that could happen that would be amazing. Like, what if, like, what if you got everything that you've ever desired sometimes that can freak people out because they're like, well, then what like, right? Like, and that sounds so wild, but like it is a big subconscious fear of a lot of people, where they're like, but then what like, I even think that when, like, our kids move out, like, oh my gosh, what what do you do then, like, the house is quiet, and what do we do day to day, like that, that like that seems so foreign to me, right? And it can be really scary. So although we like desire so much like this is why I've been talking about working through your fears of your wealthiest self, because we all have them like we're human. However, there's a big difference between having fears and them stopping you versus having fears and not allowing them to stop you. So I do want to give a shout out to Kristen Rourke with busy mom BOD for sponsoring this episode. So an abundance walk you can also do like a dream walk. You can do a gratitude walk. You can do an abundance walk. So the goal when you do this is to pick a word I'm going to do abundance, because that was the focus for this last month. And I already started it before I went live, because I already wanted to be like in the energy for you. So you start your walk, and you have like, the word in mind, and you just start moving, and you start seeing what shows up for you. Like, what events in the last 30 days? What did you accomplish? Like, who was there for you, what surprised you? Like, in a good way? Like, there's always going to be those spontaneous blessings that you're like, oh my gosh, like, that wasn't on my to do list today. I wasn't expecting that those are, like, the juiciest, juiciest of juiciest gifts when it's like something that you're not expecting. So I wanted to do it for you, for myself, but I wanted to model it for you, because I think it can just be huge. So my word is abundance. So I'm already on my walk. So abundance, wow. The last 30 days, I had no idea what to expect. I woke up on August 1 2024 and sometimes you just feel different. It's hard to put your finger on. I knew I was gonna do some sort of birthday bash. I had no like, this may shock people, but I had no true idea of all the details. I did not know what was going to come from everything? Like, I just trusted myself abundantly, like truly, like even the word abundance came to me on August 1. So I knew I was going to do a birthday bash. I knew I wanted to do deals and giveaways. I did not have any post scheduled. I did not have every single giveaway picked. I did not have every single offer picked. I trusted myself, and I think that that's really important for you to hear, because sometimes on the online space, mentors and like people that. May be a little ahead of you, or a lot ahead of you, like, if they're not telling you everything, then you assume certain things at least I have, and you may assume that they have, like, all the hours in the day, or they have everything planned out. And so I really strive to be very transparent and very real. Like, do I think that having social media planned out is important for sure? And we did, but when it came to the birthday bash, specifically, like every single post, was my fingers, it was my energy, my ideas, my responsibility, like so the team didn't even know they were trusting me, and we were all just rolling with it together, and like one, to have that level of abundance from my team and trust is huge, Because I haven't always had that, and that's been hard. I am different. I sometimes I do fly by the seat of my pants. I am a very structured, planned person, but also so spontaneous at the same time. Like, it's it's a very interesting mix. But, like, authentically, abundantly me, is the mixture of both. And so what I have found is the sweet spot for my business, specifically social media marketing, is to have a mixture of planned content, planned, mini launches, planned, you know, strategies, but then allow myself to have wiggle room, flexibility, spontaneousness, and that has been huge for me. It allows me to feel like I could just truly be myself, and to have like one a team that celebrates that and just embraces that has truly allowed me to be me, unapologetically, abundantly, like nobody's business. And so I just wanted to, like first, share that like I did not have it all planned out. I just woke up, I trusted myself. I think that another word for August, for me, was faith, because I think in order to fully embody abundance, you've gotta have faith and trust in yourself. And we always want, we want the guarantee as humans, we want the guarantee. And the guarantee doesn't come until you do the work. And so I consider myself a really good manifester, like I have manifested some really cool things and opportunities and success. And to me, manifesting is doing like you don't sit around and wait like it's the energy of manifesting, for sure, but it's like I'm a doer. And so I know no matter where life's take takes me, like no one can ever take that skill away. It is a skill. It can be taught, can't be harnessed. And so what August taught me was the more I lean into it, the more the blessings show up. So like, Have I had, like, random, you know, blessings, you know, all throughout my life, for sure, but August felt like, on supercharge is the only way I can describe it, like one of my I was kind of like, start rattling things off that were very unexpected, like they were not on a to do list or a goal list or anything like that. But I do believe in my heart of hearts, because my energy, my frequency, was growing and increasing every single day, because abundance operates on a very high frequency. Love same thing, trust, same thing, money, same thing. So those like those things that you desire, they operate on a very high frequency. Anyone can access them, but you have to work on your frequency, which is you. It's your energy, it's your thoughts, your words, your actions. Like, that's like the woo, woo side of manifesting and money and so August really reminded me of that. Like, wow. Like, I can literally pour gasoline on my desires by like, by me, increasing my frequency, my energy. Um, so a few ways, a few ways that I did that was daily, steps. Like, I averaged 10,000 steps a day, give or take, there were a handful of days that were lower, I think like two to three days that were lower. There were days that were like 15 to 20. I think I even had almost like a 30k step day. So overall, fantastic. I actually looked at my stats from like, my step stats from last year, the highest, like my average from last year, when it came to steps was, like in the 3000s so that talk about, like, ginormous, abundant growth by focusing right, like, what we focus on expands. So the fact that I was tracking my steps day in and day out, I was way more successful than I wasn't. I added in a daily sales quota every single day, which some people think that this is not good. Some people think it's good. I think you do whatever works best for you, but I used it as a tool, again, manifesting. I didn't make it mean anything about myself if we were higher or lower, but like when I put my CEO hat on, like I'm I'm the CEO of a movement, like I do have responsibilities financially, and so I personally believe it is important to have a sales quota now, is it the end? All be all No, like, people come first, but there is a time and a place to put your CEO hat on and just get really honest with yourself, because, like, if I'm saying I want to make this a big deal, then I gotta, like, walk the walk and talk the talk and look at my numbers and so just like, my step count, that was essentially, like, what I was doing for my business every single day. And it really did make it cool and fun and interesting, because it was like, Oh, wow. Like, you know, just even putting more energy around it, you know, I wasn't married to it had to be a certain way, like we had to, like, reach a quota by a certain way, or anything like that. It was just like getting the energy on board and tracking it and observing it, more than anything. And so, I do believe how you come to your numbers does matter, because if you check them and then you just, like, shame yourself every single day, that's not great. But if you come to them and go, Wow, like we did really well today, and then you start to think about, like, Okay, well, what did we do? Like, where did, where did those dollars come from, like, how did they happen? Because I don't believe anything is an accident, especially things that are meant for us. And so when we can really, like, start to pinpoint what's really moving the needle forward for you, then you can double down on it. And so that was a really fun thing that I added in August. And so that was huge. So some of the spontaneous things were, like, I had my, like, a big order coffee paid for on one day, I got to see a friend that I have not seen in years, that we used to be super close. And then, just like Mom, life hit, and like, we finally got to be able to get together. And like, I'm I'm a sucker for quality time. I have really understood over the years that that is one of my top Love Languages quality time. It is why I believe I'm a mentor. Like, I actually really enjoy talking on video, talking in Telegram, talking in the DMS, like, and I'm an introvert, but like, since quality time is my love language, and I can, like, I can balance that right, and have like, energetic breaks. It really does fill my heart. Now it's getting dark. It really does fill my heart. So my, like, a big coffee order was paid for with the person in front of me. So a stranger has that happened every now and then? Like, yes, like, once in a blue moon. So that happened. I got to see a friend. I had another food order paid for. So many people sent me gifts and love and like encouragement, and they're like, oh my gosh, I see what you're doing. Like, even one of the top sales copywriters in the industry literally reached out to me, and she's like, I see what you're doing, and I want you to teach me, like, I like, melted in a puddle. Like, talk about abundance, like, holy smokes, we had so many done for you clients join us and be so incredibly happy, so blown away with our expertise, our execution, our organization, like Sarah, came to 10. Own for a weekend. We got tattoos. We manifested four Taylor Swift tickets. Let's not forget that for November, 1 marathon training. This is all in 30 days, and I'm sure I'm gonna forget something. Emma went off to first grade. I'm home with Boone full time. We've gotten the I have scrubbed my house. I wish you could see me at at work, meaning my house, like I have scrubbed the floors, the cabinets. I have gone OCD bananas on my house, and there's still more to do, but it has felt so good getting my house so clean and organized, like I really want to do, like a a cribs hat, like a house video, where it's like, Mom edition, like, it's not going to be perfect, but like, I've been getting so many like, systems and organization and like, I'm just really proud. So if you want to see that, let me know. But just so many new conversations with people, like, seriously, like, people were sponsoring other people and sending me Venmo money, and they're like, Hey, this is for a single mom. Like, I want, I want a single mom to be able to go through your program, and I'm just like, Oh my gosh. Like, just so much abundance in so many different ways, from quality time to love to gifts to, you know, financial blessings, like, literally, I got an opportunity for some money to be able to grow the movement. And I was just like, where did this come from? Like, and again, abundance. Like, I literally wrote in my journal that morning, like, I know someone wants to give me a large sum of money, and I kid you not. I kid you not. Within hours, I got an email for a huge opportunity for the movement, and I was just like, in tears. I was like, like, I have to take this like it like, this is literally going to help us so much. Like, it's going to be able to supercharge everything that I have in my head like, I'd be silly not to take it like and again, abundance. Abundance is trust. Abundance is belief in yourself and not lack. You can have all the money in the world and have a lack mindset, lack energy, and you can have no money and have lack mindset and lack energy. Same thing with abundance. You can have all the money in the world and be super abundant. You can have no to little money and still be abundant like it is not what is in your physical possession, whether that be what you have, what's in your bank account, like that doesn't define abundance and lack. It doesn't it's what is in your head. It is what is in your heart. It's what is in your energy, your frequency, more than anything. Like, does that? Does the physical stuff matter? Like, what's in your bank account, what you have it can but like the what is so important is your energy. Then we go to the physical stuff and the bank account and all of that stuff. But people, people chase the bank account, or they chase the stuff. I know I have thinking that that is what's going to fulfill them. That's what's going to make them feel abundant, and it doesn't. It's not. It doesn't work that way. It's the opposite. You feel abundant, and then you have more you create more abundance. And what's so cool about that is then you keep more abundance, you don't lose it, right? Like think about some people that have gone off to the NFL or won the lottery, and then, like, went bankrupt. A lot of that is they probably, one, didn't have a financial planner, and two, they were in a lack mindset, lack energy, which sounds so crazy because they just got all of this money, but it's, it's the energy. When you don't feel safe with money, you're gonna spend it all. But when you feel safe with money, you you want to keep it, you want to invest it, you want to give it. You trust that it's just this beautiful fountain that's just going to keep flowing and flowing and flowing, and it does. So that was a little TEDx talk there. But anyways, what else happened in August? Oh, my clients and students are just winning. We up leveled their student like online experience. So we rolled that out this past week, and they're so. Happy with it. This has really proven to me this month, the more I rise, the more everyone else around me rises, which doesn't feel like it's a like, it doesn't feel like pressure. It just is a reminder to me of like, oh, like, I really want my clients to win. But I can't force them to do things, but I can focus on me, and that actually is going to inspire them, right? And like, of course, like, you know, checking in with them, answering their questions, but like me, modeling things is the highest form of mentoring, in my opinion, because when you can see my embodiment and essence and energy, you want that for yourself, and you're so much more motivated because of me walking the walk, not just talking the talk. And so I've known that for a while, but this month just really reminded me, because, like, I messaged one of my mentors, and I was like, Okay, you do this really well, and your clients are always winning. And I just feel like my clients are winning on a level that, like, I'm so proud of them, like, like, it's across the board, wild, like they're, I call it wealthy leaping like quantum, leaping, wealthy leaping, like they're just leaping so fast, and it feels good, it doesn't feel forced, like they're telling me how good it feels. And I think a huge part of that is me embodying me doing what I'm doing, and then they're inspired to go do the same. And even people that aren't my clients have shared, they're like, oh my gosh, you're just really inspiring me. And so it's like we forget how important us doing the work is. It's like, it's everything. So so Yeah, what else happened in the month of August, scrubbed my cabinets, got Taylor Swift tickets. You know, just living, living the life over here, marathon training has been going beautifully. It's, it's mid October. I do not feel nervous. I'm sure I'll feel a little nervous on race day, because that's just normal. But I don't feel scared. I don't feel fearful. I've been putting in the steps I take my daily green shot. I've been getting it more protein and water. I just feel like I've really found my groove across the board, like on every level possible, like, it's really cool, and kind of like this moment where you're again, you're just kind of like, huh, it can just be this good. It can just be this simple and fun and basic. Like, nothing I'm doing is mind blowing. It's just consistent and finding ways to gamify it, and, you know, not allowing little hiccups to derail me, and just anything that shows up, like there was, there was a lot of fear and resistance around the Taylor Swift tickets, and it was actually really good for me. I needed that edge. I needed that that those feelings and emotions to show up. I actually feel like that was abundance, like it was showing me some edges and shadows, that it was like, Okay, this feels scary. Let's let's work through this. Why does it feel scary? And so I'm so glad I had the time privately to work through it and and continue to move forward and, like, make it happen. And then by the time it happened, I felt calm, I felt excited. I felt like, kind of like, matter of fact, like, well, of course this is happening. Like, I've been working towards this. By the time I purchased the tickets, it was like, essentially, like, 29 days. But can you imagine? Let's just like, talk about you for a second. I hope you're enjoying your abundance. Walk here with me. My example, again, sometimes my lighting is not the best, but we're going to roll with it, because we ain't perfect here. We don't try to be perfect. So this is what you get. So anywho, I want you to imagine, it's 29 days from right now. When you're watching this video or listening to this on the podcast, it's 29 days from now. Can you imagine if you could manifest something massive in your life that you really desire, like and never say never, because if you would have told me 29 days ago, because it was only two Taylor Swift tickets in the beginning, not four and. Two felt hard. Two felt challenging. 29 days ago, and then even when I had the resistance, I was like, Let's go for four. It has to be four. And I really do believe some of the resistance that I was having was it didn't feel right in my body to not invite two wealthy mamas to go with us, like, and I, and I again, like, sometimes resistance is there for a reason. It doesn't mean it's bad. And so when I finally realized, like, what would feel really good to me is yes, to reward Sarah because she's done so much, I really look at this as, like, her year end bonus, if you will. She, like, that girl, does so much for me and everyone. It's ridiculous, but amazing. And so, like, it felt good to send her with me, but then, like, the minute that my body was like, Oh no, we need to get we need to get two more. Then I was like, Yes. And then the resistance, I kid you not just kind of like faded. This street is really dark. It's kind of creeping me out. So as soon as that happened, it felt so much better, and it I really believe, then it happened really fast, and so just imagine it's 29 days from now. For you, what's like one thing? I do believe focus is key. Okay, what's one thing that you really desire? Because now I feel unstoppable. I feel like I just unlocked another level. Working through the pain and the resistance and the fear is a part of the process, because what's on the other side is so freaking worth it. Like, so worth it. Like, I have desired our dream home, like our forever home for so long. Like, if I could tell you everything I've done to, like, manifest our dream home, it would be like a whole nother video. But what I have realized was, okay, maybe I needed to unlock a couple of levels before that for that to fully happen. And so the Taylor Swift tickets really felt like a stepping stone to the dream home. Because as soon as I got my brain on board my energy on board my strategy on board and like everyone, it's kind of like a team, right? Everyone like calibrated and made it happen. When you unlock it, it feels exciting. And then for me, there still is a little bit of fear, and then it kind of just like dissolves. And it's like, okay, cool. This is happening, like, there's no turning back. Now, kind of like when you sign for your dream home, if you sign for a mortgage, it's like, well, like the papers are already signed, like you're here's your keys, you're already moving in, like, you can't turn back No No refunds, right? And so I really, like, had an aha moment with the Taylor Swift tickets, because I was like, now I feel unstoppable. Now I'm ready to go the next level, because I realized maybe I was trying to leapfrog too many steps, like too many money levels, I should say, before unlocking like fully the dream home, your desires are already yours. They wouldn't be placed on your heart if they weren't meant for you. But what can happen is, if we've never experienced a certain level of money. It can feel really trippy. It can feel really challenging. So like, as I was getting my brain on board with Taylor Swift tickets, because they were a significant amount of money, I'll go through all the details on another video, but we still got a really good bargain. But anyways, it was still a significant amount of money, but how I got my brain on board was like, I've spent this money on an Airbnb for a retreat. I've spent this money on a venue. I spent this type of money on what else have I spent that on? On masterminds. I've spent that type of money on rent for an office space, like, multiple months and like, I've really streamlined my finances between no daycare, no office space. Like, very lean, like, mentoring and support. Like, I'm very, like, straightforward on, like, like, who I want to support me a very lean team. So, like, we're able to really strategically grow the movement, because I don't have a lot of overhead, and so, like, that was really helpful for me, just to remind myself of, like, yeah, like, this is a significant amount of money, but it's an investment. The. Is not an expense, in my eyes, like this is an investment. And I don't even think I know the level that is going to like happen from this, but I just like, I knew it in my heart, and that is true abundance. That is true abundance. Saying and doing abundance are two very, very big, big different things. When you actually practice abundance, it is leaping. It is leaping first and trusting yourself, trusting the process, knowing that no matter what, no matter what happens, you've got yourself, no matter what I had to get the fear of, well, what if someone judges me for doing this? Okay, guess what? People judge Taylor Swift all day. They judge her all day. They say they don't like her voice, or they don't like her decision, or whatever it may be. Guess what? She's still a billionaire. Like, not everyone's gonna like everything that you do. So I just had to like again, like we all have that inner people pleaser, and so I just had to work through that of, like, it's okay if someone doesn't like what I do. That's why I'm my own boss. Like, you don't have to like it, you don't have to be involved, because I know the people that are meant for me and then for the movement, will totally see the vision and be so excited to be a part of it. And so that's all that matters to me. I'm not here for everyone to like me. I've been blocked and unsubscribed many times. I'm and a lot of ways, just kind of, I don't say, numb to it, but like, I'm just kind of unbothered and indifferent about it. I'm just like, okay, like, I don't want to give that energy. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't feel good to give it energy. So why would I give it energy? So it's 29 days from now. Okay, this would be a really good you go on a walk and you get really clear on one thing, one thing, and it should be something big, like it should still feel somewhat attainable, in my opinion, but it feels like a stretch. Okay, it feels like a stretch. And watch you move mountains. Okay? It's not gonna happen overnight. There's gonna be resistance, but pick that one thing go all in, like you've never done before. Like, something I keep saying to myself is, this time, it's different because I'm different, like, I've had great success in the past, but there's something about right now that's different because I'm different. I talk differently, I move differently, I think differently, I act differently, I make different decisions. And so, of course, it's different, and I can't wait to see what happens because of it. And so there's a big fear. I've talked to a handful of women about this, the fear of abandonment, and I've had to work through this a lot myself. The fear of abandonment is real, where you fear getting too healthy, too wealthy, too happy, too hot, for people to handle that are already in your life, and then them wanting to walk away from you. Sometimes, even if you have clients, it can be triggering to them. If you are too much or too different or too successful, like it really can be triggering to people, whether they're working with you, whether they're following you on social media, whether they're in your family and so again, that inner people pleaser that so many people have, especially women, can stop you from so many blessings. But again, that is lack energy. That is lack mindset. Abundant energy. Abundant mindset is, I know whoever is for me will never leave me. They will love me unconditionally, and I will love them unconditionally, and they will never leave me. And equally, it's okay if people leave me because they're on their own journey, and we don't want to mess with timelines of people's journeys. It's really, really important. So like as a mentor, I've had to really be cautious of when I see something for somebody, because I'm a visionary and very intuitive, I have to be careful or mindful that I don't push my own visions on people, or my own timelines on people, because they're on their own journey. They're on their own path. I'm there to be a guide. I'm there to be a support, but like the path is already laid out for them, and so they may have to take twists and turns. It's kind of like when your kids, you know, you see them doing something you're like. Er, right. It's like, we can, we can intervene, but like, sometimes that's not what we're meant to do. Like, and so it's like that. It's like a song and dance to balance those, those moments. But nonetheless, abundant energy is you're not willing to abandon yourself your your true, authentic self, because when you make decisions on how you should be based on other people, because you're fearful of them leaving that's lack energy, and therefore you're robbing yourself of so much abundance, so much abundance. And so it does take time to regulate around that and really work through that, but I think it's really important to think about because if we're not if we're not too careful, then we can be robbing ourselves from so much abundance, so much love, so much success, so much peace. And I know I went through a lot of that for a couple years, to be quite honest, I want to somehow have like a tell all, but I don't know how to do that right now, but I've gone through it. I have felt it. I'm on the other side, and I want you to feel this so deeply, and it is your choice which is really exciting. So go on a walk and think about that one thing, because we do love to work towards something as humans. And so when I have really had a lot of success as of recently, of just focusing on the next 30 days, don't worry about after that. Like you can have visions and ideas and like desires beyond that. But we're not worried about it. We're not going to put too much energy around it, because you can create so many wealthy leaps in 30 days that then we can reassess what we need to do next. So it's actually just a better use of your time to focus on and zero in on the next 30 days. And then we look at, okay, we're focused on the next 30 days now we're just focused on the next week, and then we go even further of like today. And when we can really reverse engineer it like that, you're so much calmer, you have so much more focus, you don't worry as much, and also you take so much quicker action. So the blessings were outrageous in August, like I only scratched, I only scratched the surface on the blessings, both personally and professionally. It was just like every day, it was blowing my mind. And I really believe a huge part of that was leaning in to the energy of abundance. So I can only imagine what the month of September will be like when it's leaning in to the energy of fearing less and living more. Holy smokes like, who knows? Who knows what can happen next? We'll find out together. And I also found that to be really fun. Some of the days in August, I woke up not knowing what to do for the giveaway, not knowing to do, what to do with the deal, I just tapped in to myself, my intuition, and it always showed me what was next. And it's a really cool thing when you can master the intuitive side of yourself, because that's your most authentic self, and she already knows your path. She already knows the way to everything you desire. We can struggle with that trust. We can struggle with the belief that like we really do know, but we really do know anything that we desire has already placed on our heart, which means it's already ours. We're meant to have it, but we do have to do the work, and so when we do the stop and start right, then it makes it hard for it to come to real life. So that's why I've been talking so much about working through, not being afraid, fearful of your wealthiest self, because I really do believe you're already your wealthiest self. It may just not feel like she's arrived yet, because we're stopping and starting, we're running away, we're questioning, we're overthinking. So it's hard for her to shine. It's hard for you to shine. Your wealthiest self to shine when we're those are our actions. So it's like recalibrating you, increasing your energy and continuing to move forward imperfectly. Making progress every single day. I want more people to believe that that's what it is, because it is, and when you actually lean into it, you're like, Wow, that's awesome. It works. It was that easy. And you're going to shake your head when you actually, like, lean into it more and more and more. And I, I believe there's always another level of it too, right? There's always more that we can do again, abundance. There's always more. And more is not a bad thing. More is a good thing. You desiring more is also good. You being grateful for what you have also great. That's abundance too. Like, hey, I'm happy with what I have, I'm grateful for what I have, and and I desire more. Okay, great. That's a whole different energy than Oh, there's never enough. I'm so annoyed. It's so stressful, although that may be real, it's not helpful, and so finding the blessings working through the gaps that you may have or feel is a way better approach than the like energy, right? So it's like the energy you put around everything really does make a world of a difference. World of a difference. So go on your abundance walk. Think about the next, you know, 2930 days, and let's get to work. I would love to support you. There is nothing more powerful than accountability. I can't tell you how many times Sarah and I, Sarah's on my team, we were going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth with Taylor Swift, it really made it feel real, like I've got somebody I'm like, bouncing back and forth with, and it it helped me not get scared enough to then walk away from it or run away from it. So like that outside love and accountability can be so powerful for everything that you desire, which then it's like worth every penny, right? Like if you wrote down everything that you desire, and if you had a mentor that helped you become the person that just naturally attracts those things over time and holds you accountable and works through all the hiccups, all the challenges, all the resistance with you. Wouldn't that be worth it? And you could do it in record time and have fun doing it right? Like, I'm not trying to sell you, but it's just like, it's the mindset shift of, like, I'm not looking at the Taylor Swift tickets as an expense. I'm like, this is an investment. Let's 10x it, right? Like, let's 10x it, and that's abundance, right? Like, okay, you know, Taylor Swift's holding the money, but she's going to send it back to us and write us an even bigger check, right? Um, like, I really do believe that. And so it can just be really powerful. When you shift your energy, shift your point of view, shift your day to day actions. And I'll keep saying it over and over and over and over again until more women are winning and they're doing it with ease, flow and fun, and they're like, oh my gosh, this shit works. I'm like, right? It works. It's so good. It's so good. So go on your abundance walk. Let me know what shows up for you. Let me know how I can help you again. Thank you, Kristen, for sponsoring this episode, and thank you for bearing with me. If you're watching the video, it is a lot. It is very dark by now, but I'm here, and I love you, and I'll see you in September. Let's do this here. I'll see if I can get some light so I can give you a kiss. Good night. You.