Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

BONUS: Make Money A TOP Priority These Last 6 Months!!


On this episode, Nellies talks about making money gets to be a top priority these last 6 months of 2024!

Transforming finances requires prioritizing money, developing good habits, and taking action towards one's dreams. Listeners are encouraged to lean into their money mindset, create habits of saving more money, and consider starting or growing a business to maximize their financial potential. By taking control of their finances, individuals can achieve their financial goals and transform their lives.

We will touch on:

  • Prioritizing money for achieving goals in the second half of the year.
  • Personal finance and goal setting with a focus on habits and action.

Take Action:

  • Think about specific goals and visualize accomplishments by end of year
  • Grab the million dollar habit tracker tool and hold yourself accountable for 7 days:


This episode is sponsored by Kristen Rourke with Busy Mom Bod. Check her out on social media and consider her health and wellness scholarship program and other amazing programs!!
30 Day Scholarship for Healthy Mama Makeover: https://stan.store/busymombod/p/start-your-30-days-now
Busy Mom Bod: https://stan.store/busymombod


I want you to imagine it's the end of the year, December 31 and you're sitting there reflecting, maybe even posting photos or videos of like, your year in review, and you're just like, blown away, like you're in shock. You're in awe of everything that you created, so I want you to, like, transcend yourself into that portal and that dimension, and really think about, what are those things like? What specifically are those things, is it saving a certain amount of money? Is it paying off a certain amount of debt? Is it investing in yourself, investing in your business, investing, you know, maybe in your your relationships, right? Like, think about the very specific things that you would be sitting on your couch reminiscing about this is a really amazing visualization, journal, prompt exercise, like we've got to get in our feels around all of this. We as women are emotional beings, and so it actually is so powerful when we can tap in to our emotions, feel safe in our emotions, and maximize them, leverage them, tap in to them every single Day. When I do this, the most profound things happen. We've been told that our emotions are bad and that like to to, you know, pat your tears away, to suck it up. And so there is a lot of mindset shifts around feeling safe in your emotions, but I am telling you when you can tap into them and feel safer and safer and safer, it will blow your own mind. Like, it'll be so powerful, because it's especially when you own your own business, it's so easy to delay and delay and delay like, oh, I don't need to do a Facebook Live. Nothing bad is going to happen if I don't do a Facebook Live, or I don't need to talk about that product or promote that thing or reach out to that person, right? It is incredibly easy to delay and delay and delay, but here's the most important thing that I need you to hear going into the last half of the year, when you can prioritize money, almost all of your goals can be accomplished by you going all in with money when you really, really step back and think about it, because it takes money to invest in your health and fitness. It takes money to have more, more to like, buy food, right? It takes money to save money. It takes money to pay off debt. It takes money to go buy your kids clothes. It takes money to go do dance lessons or to leave your day job, right? Like, whatever your goals, your dreams, your desires are in this last half of the year, money, in some way, is attached. And so a lot of women tell me they're like, I'm not really motivated by money, and I understand that it truly is what's underneath money, what money can do that most women, if not all women, are motivated by, you're motivated by having schedule freedom. You're motivated by creating memories with your kids, right? You're motivate motivated by having more peace and stability. Money creates a lot of that, not all of it, but a lot of that. And so what we think about, what we focus on, does expand and so when we can go all in with money, money mindset, your savings, your budget, paying off debt, if you've got debt, investing in your business, like getting so madly in love with money in every aspect. And I know that that is a big ask, depending on where you're at, but imagine you became the L woods of falling in love with money like I love in the movie Legally Blonde, when she just goes, like, she goes all in, right? Like she's in that bunny costume. They're making fun of her. And then she's like, You know what? I'm here to shine. And she leaves that party, she buys a Mac laptop, right? She goes to the library. She like, she does all of the things like. Imagine being the elwoods of falling in love with money, and so maybe for you, you're like, I need to lean into my money mindset. I need to lean into, like, creating habits of saving more money. Maybe you need to lean into starting a business, or growing a business, or asking for help, right? Maybe for you or like, I really need to learn how to invest in the stock market, right? There's so many layers to money, but when you go all in with it over the next six months, you truly can create massive transformation, massive transformation, and it creates this domino effect for you that it's going to positively impact all the other areas of your life, like imagine every single day you're listening to a money podcast, you're journaling, you're listening to money meditations, and you don't have to be perfect and you don't have to go extreme, but when you can lean into this more and spend more time as if money is a person, think about people that you spend the most time with. You feel so connected to them because you spend the most time with them. You You know them very well, just as much as they know you so well because you spend a ton of time with it. So I like if you feel whatever you feel about money, if it's not how you want to feel, it can change, and it can change in less than six months. You can move huge money mountains, huge money mountains in six months or less, truly, and I really do believe, when we give something like this attention, it like it's mind blowing to me, how much momentum is created. You will shock yourself with what doors start to open, how you start to feel like, it's so interesting to me when you when you like, lean in and focus on certain things like this, and keep focusing on them, and keep focusing on them, people come into your life that you're like, Whoa, I didn't see you coming right? And you start to have these breakthroughs and like, it's so hard to really explain until you're in it, but when you are in it, and you're leaning in and you keep leaning in and you keep leaning in, that is where the magic is. So your homework from this training is I really want you to think about. And fast forward to December 31 because it is going to go so fast. You and I both know it. It is going to go so so fast as soon as kids go back to school, it's holiday after holiday after holiday. Hustle bustle. Hustle bustle. Now is the time to slow down, even for a hot second, even if you have to, like, sneak away to your car or go to the bathroom. And I just want you to sit there and be like, Okay, I've got six months. I'm sitting on that couch six months from now, and I'm literally in shock and awe of everything that I created. And then I want you just to sit quietly and and see what shows up for you, see what shows up for you, and then write it down. If we want something different, we're going to have to do something different. And the biggest secret is Habits. Habits. Habits. Have habits. If you haven't grabbed my million dollar habit tracker, grab it. I hold you accountable for seven days, the basics work and they work all day, every day. It's a perfect segue to shout out my sponsor, which is Kristen Roark, with busy mom bod. She has a healthy lifestyle community training membership for Busy Women, and she has some scholarships available. Make sure you connect with her. She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all things, staying healthy, getting healthy, being healthy, creating the energy that you need to to live your life, chase your babies, all of the things. So make sure that you check her out. Kristen, thank you so much for sponsoring this episode, and I just simply want you to know. I want you to know it really comes down to habits. I'm not going to gatekeep. I'm not going to pretend that it's something else. There is lots of beautiful strategies out there that do work, but at the end of the day, you could learn the most bomb ass strategy, whether it's about saving money, making more money, investing money. But what most humans struggle with when something doesn't naturally come easy to them, is getting in the habit. It of doing the thing. If that wasn't true, every single human would have millions of dollars, and every single human would have sick like six pack abs, or, you know, big muscles, or whatever it may be. And so it really comes down to habits, small habits, stacked over time, done consistently, right? Not perfectly, but consistently, which means I like to define that as doing it more than you're not doing it okay? So I'm really excited for you. Grab that habit tracker, start to take action. I encourage you in the emails to pop into my DMs. Please do that. But I promise you, these next six months are going to go so fast. If you want something different, we've got to do something different. I'm here. I'm excited to support you in any way possible. But don't let the next six months go by by just doing the same things. Level up, level up, expect more from yourself. I was even just sitting here. I have a dream, a desire that I can't stop thinking about. And I'm like, Oh no, that's gonna be 2025 oh no, that's gonna be 2025 and I was like, but I could probably start it in 2024 and so I just started to shift my energy, because I can't stop thinking about it. It's like lighting my soul on fire, and I've already done a little bit of research. And so I'm like, I could probably get it, like, get it started, which would like, scratch the itch, right? You'd get it like, there's a few things that need to happen before it, which is also motivating to me, because it's kind of like the carrot that's dangling. And so I'm like, it would be nice to, like, get it up and running before the end of the year, which would only help 2025 because then all like the up and like the building part would be done. So I'm like, Okay, well, I still get to be strategic about this. So we're going to make it like, be a little carrot, right? Nelly, get the other things done first, then you can do that right and like, that doesn't work for everyone, but I know that it works for me and it feels good. So it's all about finding what works for you and the most playful, healthy way possible. And so challenge yourself. Dig deep. The wealthy mama magazine was going to be in 2025, and I did that same exercise. I was like, No, it's now. It's now. Not every goal will do that, because there's, like, some goals that I have, that. I know that, like I'm not, I'm not there yet, but if it's not a for sure, I'm not there yet, then I feel like it's, I can pull it in so and I'm glad, I'm glad that I moved up the wealthy mama magazine. It's been opening so many doors, and it just felt right, like it felt right to open it up. And the this newest one is feeling the same way. I'm like, I think, I think I get to pull that in. I get to move it up on the timeline. So want you to dream big and then back that up with a lot of support, a lot of habits and a lot of passion. So if there's anything I can do to support you, let me know. Check out. Kristen Roark, you will be so excited that you did you.